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Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Parse of component type files failed, check the adf-config.xml file

Error during deployment 

 Parse of component type files failed, check the adf-config.xml file : "oracle.fabric.common.FabricException: oracle.mds.config.MDSConfigurationException: MDS-01330: unable to load MDS configuration document.


The MDS Database user and password are stored in files under the $AIA_INSTANCE/config/MDSConfig directory. 

These passwords are incorrect likely due to the credentials being changed on the database.
When the MDS Database user and password are changed these files need to be updated. If they are not updated then the error will appear.


 Please execute the following:
1) Please create UpdateMDSConfig.xml from content below and upload it to the $AIA_HOME/Infrastructure/Install/AID directory.

 2) Backup the existing MDSConfig: zip -r MDSConfig $AIA_INSTANCE/config/MDSConfig

 3) Ensure the MDS user and password is correct in the credential Store within EM. Login to EM and navigate to "WebLogic Domain" and right mouse click your Domain where aia is installed and select Security->Credentials. Expand "" and locate the key: fp.db.mds.password Edit the key and update with the right password and press save. If the username is also changed then this will need to be updated on the $AIA_INSTANCE/config/AIAInstallproperties.xml (please backup this file prior to changing)

 4) Source the AIA Environment.

 5) Run the following command to update the MDSConfig with the new MDS password in the credential store: ant -f $AIA_HOME/Infrastructure/Install/AID/UpdateMDSConfig.xml -DPropertiesFile=$AIA_INSTANCE/config/AIAInstallProperties.xml UpdateMDSConfig.xml file is pasted below.

 6) Rerun the failed deployment
<project basedir="." default="update" name="UpdateMDSConfig">
       <xmlproperty file="${PropertiesFile}" keeproot="false">
       <property environment="env">
       <!--<taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/"/>-->
       <taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antlib.xml">
       <property name="AIA_HOME" value="${env.AIA_HOME}">
       <import file="${AIA_HOME}/Infrastructure/Install/AID/AIATaskDef.xml">
       <aiaxmlproperty aiahome="${AIA_HOME}">
       <fail message="Please set the AIA_HOME as environment variable">
                            <isset property="env.AIA_HOME">
       <fail message="Please set the SOA_HOME as environment variable">
                            <isset property="env.SOA_HOME">
       <fail message="Please set the MW_HOME as environment variable">
                            <isset property="env.MW_HOME">
       <property name="aia.home" value="${env.AIA_HOME}">
       <property name="soa.home" value="${env.SOA_HOME}">
       <property name="mw.home" value="${env.MW_HOME}">
       <condition property="isWindows">
              <os family="windows">
       <condition property="isUnix">
              <os family="unix">
       <fail message="ERROR !!! AIA_INSTANCE is undefined">
                            <isset property="">
       <property name="aia.instance" value="${aia.home}/aia_instances/${}">
       <property name="java.home" value="${aiainstance.javahome}">
       <target name="update">
             <copy file="${aia.home}/Infrastructure/Install/templates/jps-config.xml.tmpl" overwrite="true" tofile="${aia.instance}/config/MDSConfig/src/META-INF/jps-config.xml">
              <copy file="${aia.home}/Infrastructure/Install/templates/adf-config.xml.tmpl" overwrite="true" tofile="${aia.instance}/config/MDSConfig/.adf/META-INF/adf-config.xml">
              <createjpswallet adfconfigpath="${aia.instance}/config/MDSConfig/.adf/META-INF/adf-config.xml">

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