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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Import AIA 2.5 xsd files in to MDS repository of SOA 11g

Steps to be followed to import AIA 2.5 xsd files in to MDS repository of SOA 11g

SOA suite 11g is installed in the system.
Jdeveloper 11g with soa plugin is installed in the system.
SOA suite MDS repository is installed during SOA suite 11g installation.

1) Making a Local MDS Repository:
Go to seed folder under integration folder  in Jdeveloper folder.   In server, go to \Jdeveloper\integration\seed
Create a folder with name apps.   Create a folder aiafp under apps.
Copy AIA 2.5 EnterpriseObjectLibrary folder to \Jdeveloper\integration\seed\apps\aiafp.
Remove all the html files from EnterpriseObjectLibrary folder and its sub folders as only xsd files need to be imported to MDS repository.
Create a new MDS File Connection in Jdeveloper 11g with \Jdeveloper\integration\seed as MDS root repository.
Create new MDS file connection in Jdeveloper 11g with name AIA in the Resource Palette.  For this connection, local folder \ Jdeveloper\integration\seed is used as MDS root folder.
Once the SOA-MDS connection wizard is finished, a SOA-MDS connection AIA with files and folders in \Jdeveloper\integration\seed was seen in Resource Palette of jdeveloper.  This serves as local MDS repository.

2) Import local MDS files to the SOA Suite database MDS:
Downloaded mds.jar from to Jdeveloper folder. 
Unzipped mds.jar and opened the project bin in Jdeveloper 11g.
 Modified the adf-config.xml file (present in resources/config folder of bin project) by changing the database connection details to database connection details of the mds user.
Verified if path attribute value is /apps in the namespace tag in list of metadata namespaces.  This is valid value.
Go to Application resources window in Jdeveloper11g.  Navigate to ADF META-INF folder.  Open adf-config.xml and update property “metadata-path” value to\Jdeveloper\integration.
In above adf-config.xml, Verified if path attribute value is /apps in the namespace tag in list of metadata namespaces.
Opened present in bin project.  Modified the weblogic server details, weblogic server credentials, SOA domain name, and server targets and mds database user details in the
Right-Click on common-sca-tools.xml.  Click on  “Run Ant Target” in the menu.   Click on importCommonServiceArtifactsIntoMDS to run the script to import the files and folders present in local MDS metadata located at \ Jdeveloper\integration\seed to target MDS present in database.

3) MDS Repository Connection - Access the xsd files present in SOA Suite database MDS:
Created a new database based MDS connection with soa-infra as partition.
In this new MDS repository, we can see the folder structure and files imported to MDS repository.
 The folder structure in database based MDS repository will be same as folder structure in local file based repository.
Verify if the xsd files are imported successfully by opening xsd files in database based MDS repository.

When an xsd file is updated in local MDS repository, running the script to import the files from local repository to MDS in database can synchronize the xsd file.
Make sure the folder structure is correct in local MDS repository before importing to target MDS repository in MDS database.
For Custom EBOs/EBMs place it in the respective folder structure, and run the script to import the files from local repository to MDS in database.


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